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These web pages are not intended to be viewed by minors. Under no circumstances does the creator of this site or myself consent to or has knowledge of any illegal activity committed by anyone associated with this website. NO sexual activities are implied or condoned by myself or the creator of this site.
This site does not promote a prostitution ring nor is this advertisement or any content therein an offer for prostitution.
Money exchanged is for companionship only and anything beyond that is a choice made between two consenting adults and not contracted for by the site or myself.
Hello Gentlemen! My name is Ruby!
If you're looking for that "special experience", you found me. I
guarantee you a fun, unrushed, and most erotic experience .
You will love my outgoing, open-minded and friendly personality. I
am the kind of girl with a sexy attitude that you will adore!
Your eyes will race to discover every curve on my silky soft
sweet body. My seductive curves mixed with a gracious personality
and charm will make your heart melt!
I guarantee you that my
touch will leave you breathless.
Check out my reviews
Age: +30
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Height: 5' 6"
Location: Fayetteville, NC
Travel: Contact me
Any money exchanged is for companionship
services only! Anything else that may occur is a matter of choice
between two consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted
for, nor is it requested to be contracted for in any matter.
This is not an offer of prostitution. Calling me constitutes
acceptance of these terms. By contacting me either through phone or
email you agree to this contract and these terms and hereby
acknowledge that you are NOT part of any Law Enforcement agency
using this advertisement for entrapment or for arrest
Check my outstanding reviews